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Pandemic Preparedness

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ThumbnailKalusPhotoPlasma & Platelets

How can we guarantee the supply of blood products to patients? Especially with short-life platelet concentrates, even in times of epidemics?

Priv-Doz. Dr. med. Ulrich Kalus
Berlin, Germany 



Platelets & Plasma

Blood safety during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and beyond: the impact of pathogen inactivation with the INTERCEPT Blood System

Prof. Salwa Ibrahim Hindawi
King Abdulaziz University
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia


ThumbnailBareaPhotoPlatelets & Plasma

COVID-19: Lessons learned to safeguard the continuity of blood supply in the Madrid region

Dr. Luisa Maria Barea Garcia, MD
Centro de Transfusión de la Comunidad de Madrid
Madrid, Spain


ThumbnailStramerPlatelets & Plasma

Vector-borne diseases in the Americas and Europe - NAT vs PI

Dr. Susan Stramer, PhD
American Red Cross
Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA



Plasma & Platelets

Evolution of the level of blood safety and impact on patient safety: a historic perspective

Dr. Tor Hervig
Haugesund Hospital / University of Bergen
Bergen, Norway



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Use of INTERCEPT Plasma or Platelets is contraindicated in patients with a history or allergic response to amotosalen or psoralens. Consult instructions for use for indications, contraindications, warnings, and precautions.

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